Monday, June 21, 2010

Family Gath.

last saturday night, anak dan cucu tokayah n tok berkumpul utk celebrate father'a day n bday2 june (tokayah - 21st june, mak chaq n me - 27th june)

here are the Cakes. :-)
Arsenal for me! hehehe. thx makchaq

kek bola mama bli utk 3 3. :-)
kek liverpool tokayah. hehehe.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


fuhh, lama jugak x update blog nie. ><"

currently im having fever+cough+flu. all in 1 package isn't it? =.=" owh ya, some headache as a bonus too.

1 more week before i officially become a Uitm student. lol. finally, boleh laa p blajar ni. otak dah tepu duduk rumah x blajar. =.=" but then, surely i'll be missing penang.

packing is yet to be done. im not sure how but i need to make it done within a week.

until then, goodbyee.